Ontario Common Front Third General Assembly – August 19, 2013
Friday, June 14, 2013
August 19th, 2013 9:00 am to 5:00 pm at Yorkdale Holiday Inn, 3450 Dufferin Street, Toronto –Student, Social movements and labour activists from across Ontario will come together to build alternatives to a right-wing agenda of austerity, poverty and repression. We believe a future is possible that respects democracy, environment, land and human rights. But we need deep organizing.
Speakers include: Dr. Henry Giroux, Global Television Network Chair in Communications studies at McMaster University. In 2004, Dr. Giroux wrote the book, The Terror of Neoliberalism.
Brigette DePape, Ottawa page that raised the ‘Stop Harper’ in the Senate Chamber during the Throne Speech in Ottawa.
Missy Elliott is Haudenosaunee, Tuscarora Nation Turtle clan from Six Nations of the Grand River Territory. She is 22 years old and has been protecting the land, building the nation, and organizing in her community since she was 13. She co-founded Spirit of the Youth Working Group in 2004 which organized 4 Unity Runs from 2004-2007.
Deena Ladd, Coordinator of the Workers’ Action Centre in Toronto. She is currently busy leading the provincial minimum wage campaign.
Pam Frache, Graduate student in labour studies at McMaster University and former Director of Education|Research at the Ontario Federation of Labour