Media Conference Launches Labour and Community Campaign Against McGuinty’s Budget Cuts
Thursday, April 19, 2012
A media conference to be held at Queen’s Park on Friday, April 20 at 10:00 am will launch a province-wide campaign, called “We Are Ontario,” that brings together over 90 labour and community groups to oppose unfair budget cuts that target poor and middle-class families while rewarding banks and corporations. The campaign is planning a 3:00 pm rally of thousands at Queen’s Park on Saturday, April 21 but it will start the prior evening with a mass community assembly, called the “Common Front,” from 3:00 to 6:00 pm on Friday, April 20 at the Church of the Holy Trinity (behind Toronto’s Eaton Centre).
“McGuinty has awakened a deep and diverse opposition to his budget that reflects every community in the province. The lack of voter confidence in his leadership already cost him a majority government but disappointment is turning to anger as McGuinty ignores the public mandate for fairness and compromise,” said OFL President Sid Ryan. “We haven’t seen this kind of broad community outrage since the Harris era but McGuinty has shamefully turned his back on students, parents and workers from all walks of life.”
WHO: Sid Ryan, Ontario Federation of Labour
Andrea Calver, Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care
Peter Clutterbuck, Social Planning Network of Ontario
Avvy Go, Colour of Poverty
WHAT: Media Conference to Launch “We Are Ontario” Campaign
WHEN: Friday, April 20 at 10:00 am
WHERE: Queen’s Park Media Studio, Toronto
The Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) represents 54 unions and one million workers in Ontario.